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RRB related topics

RRB :- was established by RRB Act, 1976. (recommended by Narsimhan Committee).
* First RRB - Prathama Gramin Bank. (2 Oct, 1975)
* RRB helps to provide loans to rural areas, under the supervision of NABARD.
* Means, RRB's regulated by NABARD.
* Sikkim & Goa has not formed RRB's

Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006 :- enables resolution of complaints of bank customers relating to certain services rendered by banks.
* Banking Ombudsman , is a person appointed by RBI.
* All Scheduled commercial banks, RRB's & Scheduled Primary Co-operative banks are covered under the scheme.

NABARD :- (National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Developement)
* "Shivaraman Committee" is related to NABARD.
* Chairman - Dr. Prakash Bakshi
* Headquarter - Mumbai
* Established - 12 July, 1982 

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